Stylist Retreat!
Holy presents! That entire bad was stuffed to the max of products 😍
Ian Michael Black. Hilarious colorist representing Aveda. Loved him and all his tricks!
Of course I had to throw in a crazy braid in my hair for the hair show!
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Stylist Retreat!
Holy presents! That entire bad was stuffed to the max of products 😍
Ian Michael Black. Hilarious colorist representing Aveda. Loved him and all his tricks!
Of course I had to throw in a crazy braid in my hair for the hair show!
My 50 shades is back but this time by accident!
I wasn't going for a stony, grey blonde but I have no complaints on the color we discovered! Provana has such a wide variety of products and clearly, we've had a lot of fun dipping into their express toners!
Embrace the Grey!
Sincerely, B🐝