Beto Beto Beto🚨

My favorite time of the year has returned! I love getting creative with costumes. This year I went with my favorite little yellow characters and made an upgraded version of Kevin the Minon.

I think I maybe spent 25 dollars on the whole thing too. 


  •  Cut off overalls || Walmart $4
  • Yellow Bandeau || Walmart $3
  • Yellow Tutu || Dance Store $15
  • Goggle Glasses || Dollar Store $1

I popped out the lenses of the glasses and cut up an old pair of jeans into strips for the top layer of the tutu and ta-da: Minion.  


The whole group nailed it 🙌🏼

  • Mermaid and South Park
  • Black and White Swan
  • Cookie Monster with her Cookie
  • Ring Leader and her Lion  
  • Mini, the Minion and the Black Angel 

Happy Halloween! 

Sincerely, B🐝 

I Can't Focus In Flats

Clients are always asking the famous question while sitting in our chairs: "how do you work in those shoes?!" Meanwhile, us stylists, are stumbling over our thoughts and mumbling out some convincing words about our wedges being comfortable...  Ha.. Haha.

...They're not always comfortable... 

...They're not always comfortable... 

We also get the other famous question of "Your hair looks amazing, how do you get your fingers to braid like that?" 

 ... This hair, you're so graciously complimenting, hasn't been washed in 4 days and I threw it in this braid right before you came in to make it look a little more presentable...

 ... This hair, you're so graciously complimenting, hasn't been washed in 4 days and I threw it in this braid right before you came in to make it look a little more presentable...

Well! Finally I have found the answer to both of our lovely clients' questions!  


Clearly we can't focus in flats so wedges must be the only other option 💁🏼👠😉 


A braid-less braid! 

It's called a topsy terby hair tool and it takes all the stress away from your fingers!

It's called a topsy terby hair tool and it takes all the stress away from your fingers!

All you need are clear elastics and this fun little hair tool to give you this braid-less look!  


  1. Gather your hair into a pony tail and secure with an elastic.
  2. Place the Topsy Tail, (loop side up) through the ponytail, behind the elastic and thread the ponytail through the loop.
  3. Pull the Topsy Tail firmly down through the hair, making sure your hair is firmly in place.
  4. Repeat going down the ponytail till you run out of hair. 

Happy 'braiding'!

Sincerely, B🐝